Stephen Arroyo (born October 6, 1946 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American author and astrologer.Arroyo has written seven books on psychologically oriented astrology which outline his theory that the individual’s experience of the Solar System’s impacts on their personal energy field, both psychological and physical. His works recast astrological concepts in psychological terms, and reject what he perceives as the fatalism and negativity of old-fashioned astrology. His books have now been translated into 20 languages. Regarding his written works, the Library Journal stated: “The simplicity and clarity of his treatment of complex ideas is remarkable; it makes accessible even to the beginner a wealth of understanding.…giving meaningful psychological grounding to astrological interpretation.”
Arroyo has been guest speaker at events in the North America and Europe, and has taught astrology courses in the United States. He has been awarded the British Astrological Association Astrology Prize, the Fraternity of Canadian Astrologers’ International Sun Award, and the United Astrology Congress’s Regulus Award. He has an honors degree in literature from the University of California) and a Masters Degree in Psychology. Previous occupations include marriage counseling, and the practice of a homeopathy and polarity therapy.
Exploring Jupiter: The Astrological Key to Progress, Prosperity & Potential, ISBN 091636058X
Stephen Arroyo's Chart Interpretation Handbook: Guidelines for Understanding the Birth Chart, ISBN 0-916360-49-0
Relationships and Life Cycles: Modern Dimensions of Astrology, ISBN 0-916360-55-5
Astrology, Karma & Transformation: The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart, ISBN 0-916360-54-7
Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements: An Energy Approach to Astrology & Its Use in the Counseling Arts, ISBN 0-916360-01-6 (Awarded the British Astrological Association’s Astrology Prize.)
Practicing the Cosmic Science: Key Insights in Modern Astrology, ISBN 0-916360-62-8
Person-to-person Astrology:Energy Factors in Love, Sex and Compatibility.
The Practice And Profession Of Astrology: Rebuilding Our Lost Connections With The Cosmos, ISBN 0-916360-15-6
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